Peer-Reviewed Publications
Khabbazan, M. (2022). Cost-Risk Analysis Reconsidered—Value of Information on the Climate Sensitivity in the Integrated Assessment Model PRICE. Energies.
Odenweller, A. (2022). Climate mitigation under S-shaped energy technology diffusion: Leveraging synergies of optimisation and simulation models. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 178, 121568.
Bhalerao, A. K., Rasche, L., Scheffran, J., & Schneider, U. A. (2021). Sustainable agriculture in Northeastern India: how do tribal farmers perceive and respond to climate change? International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-12.
Khabbazan, M. M., Stankoweit, M., Roshan, E., Schmidt, H., and Held, H. (2021). How can solar geoengineering and mitigation be combined under climate targets?, Earth Syst. Dynam., 12, 1529–1542,
Chichaibelu, B. B., Bekchanov, M., von Braun, J., & Torero, M. (2021). The global cost of reaching a world without hunger: Investment costs and policy action opportunities. Food Policy, 104, 102151.
Lara, L., Rasche, L., & U.A. Schneider (2021). Land in Central America will become less suitable for coffee cultivation. Regional Environmental Change,
Rasche, L. (2021). Estimating pesticide inputs and yield outputs of conventional and organic agricultural systems in Europe under climate change. Agronomy, 11(7), 1300,
Gómez Martín, E., Máñez Costa, M., Egerer, S., & Schneider, U. A. (2021). Assessing the long-term effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions under different climate change scenarios. Science of The Total Environment, 794, 148515.
Karner, K., Schmid, E., Schneider, U. A., & Mitter, H. (2021). Computing stochastic Pareto frontiers between economic and environmental goals for a semi-arid agricultural production region in Austria. Ecological Economics, 185, 107044.
Kirchner, M., Mitter, H., Schneider, U. A., Sommer, M., Falkner, K., & Schmid, E. (2021). Uncertainty concepts for integrated modeling - Review and application for identifying uncertainties and uncertainty propagation pathways. Environmental Modelling & Software, 135, 104905.
Bhalerao, A., Rasche, L. and U.A. Schneider (2021). Preparing for a better future: Delphi forecasts on competency development to enhance climate-resilient farming in Northeastern India. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 28(3):255-266.
Roshan, Elnaz, Mohammad M. Khabbazan, and Hermann Held. "A Scheme for Jointly Trading off Costs and Risks of Solar Radiation Management and Mitigation Under Long-Tailed Climate Sensitivity Probability Density Distributions." Environmental Modeling & Assessment 26 (5), 823-836, 2021
Czupryna, M., Franzke, C., Hokamp, S., & Scheffran, J. (2020). An Agent-Based Approach to Integrated Assessment Modelling of Climate Change. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(3), 1-7.
Flach R., Fader M., Folberth C., Skalský R. and Jantke K. (2020). The effects of cropping intensity and cropland expansion of Brazilian soybean production on green water flows. Environmental Research Communications, 2, 071001.
Flach, R., R. Skalský, C. Folberth, J. Balkovič, K. Jantke and U. A. Schneider (2020). Water productivity and footprint of major Brazilian rainfed crops – A spatially explicit analysis of crop management scenarios. Agricultural Water Management 233, 105996.
Jantke K., Hartmann M., Rasche L., Blanz B., Schneider U. A. (2020). Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Knowledge and Positions of German Farmers. Land 9 (5), 130.
Li, C., Held, H., Hokamp, S., & Marotzke, J. (2020). Optimal temperature overshoot profile found by limiting global sea level rise as a lower-cost climate target. Science Advances, 6(2). 10.1126/sciadv.aaw9490
Müller, A., U. A. Schneider and K. Jantke (2020). Evaluating and expanding the European Union's protected-area network toward potential post-2020 coverage targets. Conservation Biology.
Schneider, U.A., L. Rasche, and K. Jantke (2020). Farm-level digital monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock systems could facilitate control, optimisation and labelling. Journal of sustainable and organic agricultural systems 69(1):9-12.
Wifling, M. (2020). Financial precautions, carbon dioxide leakage, and the European Directive 2009/31/EC on carbon capture and storage (CCS). Climatic Change (2020).
Abid, M., J. Scheffran, U.A. Schneider, and E. Elahi (2019), Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change, Observed Trends and Adaptation of Agriculture in Pakistan, Environmental Management 63(1): 110-123,
Blanz, B. Modelling interactions of fish, fishers and consumers: should bycatch be taken into account?. Hydrobiologia 845, 129–144 (2019).
Habel, J.C., Rasche, L., Schneider, U.A., ... & Stork, N. (2019). Final countdown for biodiversity hotspots. Conservation Letters.
Held, H. (2019). Cost Risk Analysis - Dynamically Consistent Decision-Making under Climate Targets. Environmental and Resource Economics, 72, 247-261.
Jantke, K., C. D. Kuempel, J. McGowan, A. L. M. Chauvenet and H. P. Possingham (2019). "Metrics for evaluating representation target achievement in protected area networks." Diversity and Distributions 25(2): 170-175.
Mohammadi Khabbazan, M., Held, H., (2019), On the Future Role of the Most Parsimonious Climate Module in Integrated Assessment, Earth System Dynamics, 10, 135-155.
Rasche, L. & R. Sos Del Diego (2019). Pros and cons of sugarcane straw recovery in São Paulo. BioEnergy Research.
Rasche, L. & R. A. J. Taylor (2019). EPIC‐GILSYM: Modelling crop‐pest insect interactions and management with a novel coupled crop‐insect model. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(8), 2045-2056.
Zech, K. M., and Schneider, U. A. (2019), Technical biofuel production and GHG mitigation potentials through healthy diets in the EU, Agricultural Systems, 168, 27-35.
Zech, K. M., and Schneider, U. A. (2019). Carbon leakage and limited efficiency of greenhouse gas taxes on food products, Journal of Cleaner Production 213: 99-103,
Müller, A., Schneider, U.A., and K. Jantke (2018), Is large good enough? Evaluating and improving representation of ecoregions and habitat types in the European Union's protected area network Natura 2000, Biological Conservation, 227, 292-300.
Azizi, L., Bien, C., Sassen, R. (2018). Recent Trends in sustainability reporting by German universities.Sustainability Management Forum. S. 1-21.
Jantke, K., K. R. Jones, J. R. Allan, A. L. M. Chauvenet, J. E. M. Watson and H. P. Possingham (2018). "Poor ecological representation by an expensive reserve system: Evaluating 35 years of marine protected area expansion." Conservation Letters 11(6): e12584.
Schneider, U.A., L. Rasche, and B.A. McCarl (2018). "Assessing the Economic Impacts of Pesticide Regulations", Agriculture 8:53,
Lara Estrada, L., Rasche, L., Sucar, L. E. & U. A. Schneider (2018). "Inferring missing climate data for agricultural planning using Bayesian Networks." - Land, 7(1) 4.
Okoro, S.U., U. Schickhoff, and U.A. Schneider (2018), Impacts of Bioenergy Policies on Land-Use Change in Nigeria, Energies 11(1):152,
Roshan E., Khabbazan M. M., Held H (2018). Cost-Risk Trade-off of Mitigation and Solar Geoengineering - Considering Regional Disparities under Probabilistic Climate Sensitivity. Environmental and Resource Economics,
Kachulu, M., L. Rasche, U. Schneider and V. Chinene (2018). "Tobacco substitutability and its effect on producer revenue and foreign exchange earnings under smallholder agriculture in Malawi." African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics-Afjare 13(4): 331-344.
Bien, C., Sassen, R., Held, H. (2017). Die transformative Universität in der Gesellschaft: Ein Überblick über verschiedene Konzepte. GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 26.3 (2017).
Hokamp, S., & Khabbazan, M. M. (2017). Decarbonizing the Global Economy–An Integrated Assessment of Low Carbon Emission Scenarios proposed in Climate Policy. EGU General Assembly (pp. EGU2017-10035)
Obersteiner M., Balkovič J., Böttcher H., Bouma J.A., Fritz S., Fuss S., Havlik P., Heumesser C., Hochrainer S., Jantke K., Khabarov N., Koch B., Kraxner F., Kuik O.J., Leduc S., Liu J., Lucht W., McCallum I., Mechler R., Moltchanova E., Reyers B., Rydzak F., Schill C., Schleupner C., Schmid E., Schneider U.A., Scholes R.J., See L., Skalský R., Smirnov A., Szolgayova J., Tarasovičová Z. and Yang, H. (2017). The Value of Global Earth Observations, in: Onoda M., Young O. (eds) Satellite Earth Observations and Their Impact on Society and Policy. Springer, Singapore, 137-142.
Oschlies, A., Held, H., Keller, D., Keller, K., Mengis, N., Quaas, M., Rickels, W., Schmidt, H. (2017). Indicators and Metrics for the Assessment of Climate Engineering, Earth's Future, 5 (1), 49-58 (2017).
Lara Estrada, L., Rasche, L. & U. A. Schneider (2017). "Modeling land suitability for Coffea arabica L. in Central America." - Environmental Modelling and Software, 95: 196-209.
Mechik E, von Hauff M, de Moura LHL, Held H. (2017). Analysis of the Changes in Economic Activities of Brazilian Forest Communities after Methodical Support and Provision of Pre-Financing Capital. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 29(2).
Okoro, S.U., U.Schickhoff, J. Boehner, U.A. Schneider, and N. I. Huth (2017), Climate impacts on palm oil yields in the Nigerian Niger Delta. European Journal of Agronomy, 85:38-50,
Rasche, L. & R. A. J. Taylor (2017). "A pest submodel for use in integrated assessment models." - Transactions of the ASABE, 60(1): 147-158.
Shu, K., J. Scheffran, U.A. Schneider, L. Yang, J. Elflein (2017), Reconciling food and bioenergy feedstock supply in emerging economies: Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China. International Journal of Green Energy, 14(6):509-521.
Shu, K., Uwe A. Schneider, J. Scheffran (2017), Optimizing the bioenergy industry infrastructure: Transportation networks and bioenergy plant locations. Applied Energy, 192:247-261,
Abid, M., U.A. Schneider, J. Scheffran (2016), Adaptation to climate change and its impacts on food productivity and crop income: Perspectives of farmers in rural Pakistan. Journal of Rural Studies, 47(A): 254-266,
Jantke K., Müller J., Trapp N. and Blanz B (2016). Is climate-smart conservation feasible in Europe? Spatial relations of protected areas, soil carbon and land values, Environmental Science & Policy, 47, 40-49.
Lopez M.R., Runkle B.R.K., Roski S., Jantke K., Stöver J., Gottschick M. and Rothe D (2016). Sustainable Internationalization? Measuring the Diversity of Internationalization at Higher Education Institutions, in: The Contribution of Social Sciences to Sustainable Development at Universities, World Sustainability Series, edited by W. Leal Filho and M. Zint, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 21-37.
Mechik E, von Hauff M. (2016). Requirements for the Sustainable Development of Economic Activities in Tropical Forest Communities. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(4), 107–120.
Okoro, S.U., U. Schickhoff, J Böhner, and U.A. Schneider (2016), A novel approach in monitoring land-cover change in the tropics: oil palm cultivation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, DIE ERDE–Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 147 (1): 40-52
Rasche, L., Schneider, U. A., Bolivar Lobato, M., Sos Del Diego, R. & T. Stacke (2016). "Benefits of coordinated water resource system planning in the Cauca-Magdalena river basin." - Water Economics and Policy.
Rasche, L., Dietl, A., Shakhramanyan, N. G., Pandey, D. & U. A. Schneider (2016). "Increasing social welfare by taxing pesticide externalities in the Indian cotton sector." Pest Management Science, 72(12): 2303-2312.
Choi, H. S., U. A. Schneider, L. Rasche, J. Cui, E. Schmid, H. Held (2015), Potential effects of perfect seasonal climate forecasting on agricultural markets, welfare and land use: a case study of Spain, Agricultural Systems, 133, 177-189.
Frank, S., E. Schmid, P. Havlík, U. A. Schneider, H. Böttcher, J. Balkovič, M. Obersteiner, (2015), The dynamic soil organic carbon mitigation potential of European cropland, Global Environmental Change, 35, 269-278.
Ondraczek, J., Komendantova, N., Patt, A. (2015), WACC the dog: The effect of financing costs on the levelized cost of solar PV power. Renewable Energy (75), March 2015, pp. 888-898.
Roth, R., Neubersch, D., Held, H. (2015). Evaluating Delayed Climate Policy by Cost-Risk Analysis, accepted EAERE2015 article.
Shu, K., U. A. Schneider, J. Scheffran (2015), Bioenergy and Food Supply: A Spatial-Agent Dynamic Model of Agricultural Land Use for Jiangsu Province in China, Energies, 8(11), 13284-13307.
Sundsbø A., Runkle B.R.K., McMonagle S., Jantke K., Lottermoser F., Gottschick M., Häseler S., Rodriguez Lopez J.M., and Scheele M. (2015). One Metaphor — Several Meanings: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development, in: Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricula: Innovative Approaches, Methods and Tools, edited by W. Leal Filho, U.M. Azeiteiro, S. Caeiro and F. Alves, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 197-213.
Trapp, N., U. A. Schneider, I. McCallum, S. Fritz, C. Schill, M. T. Borzacchiello, C. Heumesser & M. Craglia (2015). A meta-analysis on the return on investment of geospatial data and systems: A multi-country perspective. Transactions in GIS 19(2), 169–187
Abid, M., J. Scheffran1, U. A. Schneider, and M. Ashfaq, (2014) Farmers' perceptions of and adaptation strategies to climate change and their determinants; the case of Punjab province, Pakistan, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 5, 1359-1406.
Freier, K.P., M. Finckh and U. A. Schneider (2014). Adaptation to new climate by an old strategy? Modeling sedentary and mobile pastoralism in semi-arid Morocco. Land 3, 917-940.
Kunreuther, H., S. Gupta, V. Bosetti, R. Cooke, V. Dutt, M. Ha-Duong, H. Held, J. Llanes-Regueiro, A. Patt, E. Shittu, E. Weber, (2014), Integrated Risk and Uncertainty Assessment of Climate Change Response Policies, IPCC AR5, WGIII, Chapter 2.
Mitter, H., E. Schmid, and U.A. Schneider (2014). Modelling impacts of drought and adaptation scenarios on crop production in Austria. Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics. 24: 223-232.
Neubersch, D., H. Held, A. Otto, (2014), Operationalizing climate targets under learning: An application of cost-risk analysis, Climatic Change, 126 (3), 305-318, DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1223-z
Ondraczek, J., (2014), Are we there yet? Improving solar PV economics and power planning in developing countries: The case of Kenya. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (30), February 2014, pp. 604-615.
Rasche, L. (2014), The importance of climate variability changes for future levels of tree-based forest ecosystem services, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 10(3), 187-197.
Engels, A., O. Hüther, M. Schäfer, H. Held, (2013), Public climate-change skepticism, energy preferences and political participation, Global Environmental Change,
Held, H., F.-W. Gerstengarbe, T. Pardowitz, J. G. Pinto, U. Ulbrich, K. Born, M. G. Donat, M. K. Karremann, G. C. Leckebusch, P. Ludwig, K. M. Nissen, H. Österle, B. F. Prahl, P. C. Werner, D. J. Befort, O. Burghoff (2013). Projections of global warming-induced impacts on winter storm losses in the German private household sector, Climatic Change, 121, 195-207,
Jantke, K., C. Schleupner, and U.A. Schneider (2013). "Benefits of earth observation data for conservation planning in the case of European wetland biodiversity", Environmental Conservation 40(1):37-47.
Lauri, P., A.M.I. Kallio, and U.A. Schneider (2013). "The future development of the use of wood in Russia and its potential implications on the EU forest sector." Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 28(3):291-302.
Lay, J, Ondraczek, J., Stoever, J. (2013), Renewables in the energy transition: Evidence on solar home systems and lighting fuel choice in Kenya. Energy Economics (40), November 2013, pp. 350-359.
Mosnier, A., P. Havlík, H. Valin, J. Baker, B. Murray, S. Feng, M. Obersteiner, B.A. McCarl, S.K. Rose, U.A. Schneider (2013). "Alternative U.S. Biofuel Mandates and Global GHG emissions: The Role of Land Use Change, Crop Management and Yield Growth" Energy Policy 57:602-614.
Ondraczek, J. (2013), The sun rises in the east (of Africa): A comparison of the development and status of the solar energy markets in Kenya and Tanzania. Energy Policy (56), May 2013, pp. 407-417.
Schleupner, C. and U.A. Schneider (2013). "Allocation of European wetland restoration options for systematic conservation planning.” Land Use Policy 30(1): 604-614.
Schmidt, M. G. W., H. Held, E. Kriegler, A. Lorenz, Stabilization Targets under Uncertain and Heterogeneous Climate Damages, Environmental & Resource Economics, 54, 79-99.
Shakhramanyan, N.G., U.A. Schneider, and B.A. McCarl (2013). "Pesticide and greenhouse gas externalities from US agriculture - The impact of their internalization and climate change." Climate Change Economics 04:1350008.
Shakhramanyan, N.G., U.A. Schneider, and B.A. McCarl (2013). "US agricultural sector analysis on pesticide externalities – The impact of climate change and a Pigovian tax" Climatic Change 117(4):711-723.
Yan, D., U.A. Schneider, E. Schmid, H.Q. Huang, L. Pan, O. Dilly (2013). "Interactions between land use change, regional development, and climate change in the Poyang Lake district from 1985 to 2035." Agricultural Systems 119:10-21.
Freier, K.P., R. Brüggemann, J. Scheffran, M. Finckh and U.A. Schneider (2012). "Assessing the Predictability of Future Livelihood Strategies of Pastoralists in Semi-Arid Morocco under Climate Change", Technological Forecasting & Social Change 79(2): 371–382.
Lauri, P., A.M.I. Kallio, and U.A. Schneider (2012). "Price of CO2 Emissions and Use of Wood in Europe", Forest Policy and Economics 15:123–131.
Lorenz, A., E. Kriegler, H. Held, M. G. W. Schmidt, How to measure the importance of climate risk for determining optimal global abatement policies? Climate Change Economics 3 (1),
Prahl, B. F., D. Rybski, J. P. Kropp, O. Burghoff, H. Held, (2012), Applying Stochastic Small-Scale Damage Functions to German Winter Storms, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39 (6), http:/
Schleupner, C. and U.A. Schneider (2012). "Gis-based estimation of wetland conservation potentials in europe." Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 10 (4): 385-403.
Schoenhart, M., Schmid, E. & Schneider, U.A. Crop Rota - A crop rotation model to support integrated land use assessments. European Journal of Agronomy 34, 263-277 (2011).
Schneider, U.A., et al. Impacts of population growth, economic development, and technical change on global food production and consumption. Agricultural Systems 104, 204-215 (2011).
Lychnaras, V. & Schneider, U.A. Multi-farm economic analysis of perennial energy crops in Central Greece, taking into account the CAP reform. Biomass & Bioenergy 35, 700-715 (2011).
Link, P.M., Schneider, U.A. & Tol, R.S.J. Economic Impacts of Changes in Fish Population Dynamics: The Role of the Fishermen's Harvesting Strategies. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 16, 413-429 (2011).
Jantke, K. & Schneider, U.A. Integrating Land Market Feedbacks into Conservation Planning-A Mathematical Programming Approach. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 16, 227-238 (2011).
Jantke, K., Schleupner, C. & Schneider, U.A. Gap analysis of European wetland species: priority regions for expanding the Natura 2000 network. Biodiversity and Conservation 20, 581-605 (2011).
Havlik, P., et al. Global land-use implications of first and second generation biofuel targets. Energy Policy 39, 5690-5702 (2011).
Freier, K.P., Schneider, U.A. & Finckh, M. Dynamic interactions between vegetation and land use in semi-arid Morocco: Using a Markov process for modeling rangelands under climate change. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 140, 462-472 (2011).
Link, P.M. & Schleupner, C. (2011): How do tourists perceive and accept changes in landscape characteristics on the Eiderstedt peninsula?, Coastline Reports, 17, pp. 133-146.
Link, P.M., Schneider, U.A. & Tol, R.S.J. (2011): Economic impacts of changes in fish population dynamics: the role of the fishermen’s harvesting strategies, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 16 (4), 413-429.
Link, P.M. & Tol, R.S.J. (2011): Estimation of the economic impact of temperature changes induced by a shutdown of the thermohaline circulation: an application of FUND, Climatic Change, 104 (2), 287-304.
Freier KP, Schneider UA, Finckh M (2011): Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140, 462-472.
Schmidt, M. G. W., A. Lorenz, H. Held, and E. Kriegler (2011), Climate targets under uncertainty: challenges and remedies, Climatic Change, 104(3-4), 783-791.
Freier, K. P., B. Glaser, and W. Zech (2010), Mathematical modeling of soil carbon turnover in natural Podocarpus forest and Eucalyptus plantation in Ethiopia using compound specific delta 13C analysis, Global Change Biology, 16(5), 1487-1502.
Jantke, K., and U. A. Schneider (2010), Multiple-species conservation planning for European wetlands with different degrees of coordination, Biological Conservation, 143(7), 1812-1821.
Koleva, N. G., and U. A. Schneider (2010), The impact of climate change on aquatic risk from agricultural pesticides in the US, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 67(5), 677-704.
Osmani, D., and R. S. J. Tol (2010), The Case of two Self-Enforcing International Agreements for Environmental Protection with Asymmetric Countries, Computational Economics, 36(2), 93-119.
Sauer, T., P. Havlik, U. A. Schneider, E. Schmid, G. Kindermann, and M. Obersteiner (2010), Agriculture and resource availability in a changing world: The role of irrigation, Water Resources Research, 46.
Schleupner, C. (2010), GIS-Based Estimation of Wetland Conservation Potentials in Europe, in Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2010, Pt 1, Proceedings, edited by D. G. O. M. B. P. E. A. B. O. Taniar, pp. 193-209.
Schleupner, C., and U. A. Schneider (2010), Effects of bioenergy policies and targets on European wetland restoration options, Environmental Science & Policy, 13(8), 721-732.
Schilling, J., Scheffran, J. & Link, P.M. (2010): Climate Change and Land Use Conflicts in Northern Africa, Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, 112 (384), pp. 173-182.
Freier KP, Glaser B, Zech W (2010): Global Change Biology 16, 1487–1502.
Hahn, T., et al. (2009), Reducing uncertainty in environmental risk assessment(era): Clearly defining acute and chronic toxicity tests., Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 5(1), 175-177.
Koleva, N. G., and U. A. Schneider (2009), The impact of climate change on the external cost of pesticide applications in US agriculture, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7(3), 203-216.
Koleva, N.G. and U.A. Schneider (2009). The impact of climate change on the external cost of pesticide applications in US agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 7(3):203-216.
Koleva, N.G., U.A. Schneider, and R.S.J. Tol (2009), The impact of weather variability and climate change on pesticides application in the US - An empirical investigation, forthcoming International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics.
Koleva, N.G. and U.A. Schneider (2009), The impact of climate change on aquatic risk from agricultural pesticides in the US, forthcoming, International Journal of Environmental Studies.
Kuhlbrodt, T., Rahmstorf, S., Zickfeld, K., Vikebø, F.B., Sundby, S., Hofmann, M., Link, P.M., Bondeau, A., Cramer, W. & Jaeger, C. (2009): An Integrated Assessment of changes in the thermohaline circulation, Climatic Change, 96, pp. 489-537.
Link, P.M. & Tol, R.S.J. (2009): Economic impacts on key Barents Sea fisheries arising from changes in the strength of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation, Global Environmental Change, 19, pp. 422-433.
Osmani, D., and R. Tol (2009), Toward Farsightedly Stable International Environmental Agreements, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 11(3), 455-492.
Rasche, L., and J. Kovar-Eder (2009), Woody angiosperm taxa of the Canarian laurel forests: Leaf morphology and cuticular structures, Stuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde Serie A (Biologie)(Sp. Iss. 2), 447-494.
Rockmann, C., R. S. J. Tol, U. A. Schneider, and M. A. St John (2009), Rebuilding the eastern Baltic cod stock under environmental change(part2): taking into account the costs of a marine protected area, Natural Resource Modeling, 22(1), 1-25.
Schneider, U. A., and P. Smith (2009), Energy intensities and greenhouse gas emission mitigation in global agriculture, Energy Efficiency, 2(2), 195-206.
Schleupner, C. & Link, P.M. (2009): Eiderstedt im Spannungsfeld zwischen Naturschutz- und Agrarpolitik – Entwicklung eines methodischen Ansatzes für ein nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement, Marburger Geographische Schriften, 145, pp. 33-49.
Working Papers
Our working papers and many more can be accessed through IDEAS/REPEC. The simple impact factor is 0.755.
Dressel M., Held H. (2022), Klimakrise und tiefe Unsicherheit: Welche Antworten bietet die Theologie? Ein Literaturüberblick. WISO Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 73, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.
Blanz, Benjamin (2018), Three Types of Interaction in Multi-Species Fisheries and When They Need to be Considered. FNU-207, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.
Blanz, Benjamin (2017), Modelling Interactions of Fish, Fishers and Consumers: Should Bycatch be Taken into Account?. FNU-206, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.
Roshan, E., Khabbazan, M.M., Held, H. (2016). A Scheme For Jointly Trading Off Costs And Risks Of Solar Radiation Management And Mitigation Under Long-Tailed Climate Sensitivity Probability Density Distributions, FNU-205, accepted EAERE2016 article; rate of rejection: 50%)
Roth, R., D. Neubersch, H. Held, Evaluating Delayed Climate Policy by Cost-Risk Analysis, FNU-204, EAERE2015 article (2015; rejection rate: ~50%).
Mechik, E. (2014), Small Scale Forest Enterprises with Social Responsibility – Non-Destructive Forest Use and Poverty Alleviation. Tropentag. FNU-203,Prague.
Ondraczek, J., Komendantova, N., Patt, A. (2013), WACC the Dog: The Effect of Financing Costs on the Levelized Cost of Solar PV Power. FNU-202, University of Hamburg and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Ondraczek, J. (2013), Are we there yet? Improving solar PV economics and power planning in developing countries: The case of Kenya. FNU-201, University of Hamburg and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Trapp, N., Schneider, U.A., McCallum, I., Fritz, S., Schill, C., Borzacchiello, M.T., Heumesser, C.and Craglia, M. (2012). A Meta-Analysis on the Return on Investment of Spatial Data Infrastructures and Global Earth Observation System of Systems: A Multi-Country Perspective. FNU-200, University of Hamburg and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Lay, J, Ondraczek, J., Stoever, J. (2012), Renewables in the energy transition - Evidence on solar home systems and lighting fuel choice in Kenya. FNU-199, University of Hamburg and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Mechik, E. (2012), Economic Incentives for Sustainable Tropical Forest Maintenance. Sustainable Business in Asia, FNU-198, Bangkok.
Ondraczek, J. (2012), The Sun Rises in the East (of Africa): A Comparison of the Development and Status of the Solar Energy Markets in Kenya and Tanzania. Technical Paper, FNU-197, University of Hamburg and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Freier, K.P., R. Bruggemann, J. Scheffran, U.A. Schneider, M. Finckh (2010). Climate change and predictability of future behaviour of transhumant pastoralists in semi-arid Morocco.FNU-196, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Ondraczek, J. (2011), The Sun Rises in the East (of Africa): A Comparison of the Development and Status of the Solar Energy Markets in Kenya and Tanzania. Background Paper, FNU-195, University of Hamburg and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Osmani, D. (2011), A Note on Computational Aspects of Farsighted Coalitional Stability, FNU-194, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Hamilton, J.M. and R.S.J. Tol (2010) Regional tourism demand in the European Union, FNU-193, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Link, P.M. and C.Schleupner (2010) How do tourists perceive and accept changes in landscape characteristics on the Eiderstedt peninsula? FNU-192, CLISEC-10, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Schleupner, C. (2010) Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in Afghanistan. A contribution to the UNESCO-IHE course "IWRM as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change, FNU-191, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Osmani, D. (2010), Valuing equally the environmental goods in rich and poor countries in a Post-Kyoto world, FNU-190, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Schleupner, C. (2010) Modeling climate change driven implications on freshwater wetland distribution in Europe - a review of knowledge and gaps. FNU-189, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Jantke, K., C. Schleupner, U.A. Schneider (2010). Gap analysis of European wetland species: priority regions for expanding the Natura 2000 network. FNU-188, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Osmani, D. and Tol, R.S.J. (2010), The case of two self-enforcing international agreements for environmental protection with assymetric countries, FNU-187, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Freier, K.P., U.A. Schneider, M. Finckh (2010). Dynamic interactions between vegetation and land-use in semi-arid Morocco: Using a Markov process for modeling rangelands under climate change. FNU-186, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Calzadilla, A., K. Rehdanz, R. Betts, P. Falloon, A. Wiltshire, and R.S.J. Tol (2010). Climate change impacts on global agriculture. FNU-185, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Jantke, K., C. Schleupner, and U.A. Schneider (2009). Benefits of increased data resolution for European conservation planning, FNU-184, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Sauer, T., (2009), Exploring irrigation literature - a framework to assess agricultural water use, FNU-183, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Sauer, T., Havlik, P., U.A. Schneider, E. Schmid, G. Kindermann, M. Obersteiner (2009), Agriculture and resource availability in a changing world - the role of irrigation, FNU-182, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Schneider, U.A., P. Havlík, E. Schmid, M. Obersteiner, R. Skalsky, T. Sauer, S. Fritz (2009), Food production impacts of alternative global development scenarios, FNU-181, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Havlik, P., U.A. Schneider, E. Schmid, H. Böttcher, S. Fritz, R. Skalský, K. Aoki, S. de Cara, G. Kindermann, F. Kraxner, S. Leduc, I. McCallum, A. Mosnier, T. Sauer, M. Obersteiner (2009), Global land-use implications of first and second generation biofuel targets, Forestry Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
Jantke, K., and U.A. Schneider (2009), Opportunity costs in conservation planning - of the case of European wetland species, FNU-180, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Schönhart, M., E. Schmid, and U.A. Schneider (2009), CropRota - A Model to Generate Optimal Crop Rotations from Observed Land Use, DP 45-2009, Discussion Paper, Institute for Sustainable Economic Development, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna.
Jantke, K. and U.A. Schneider (2009), Multiple-species conservation planning for European wetlands with different degrees of coordination, FNU-179, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Tol, R.S.J. (2009), Inequity Aversion and the Social Cost of Carbon, FNU-178, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Koleva, N.G., U.A. Schneider, and B.A. McCarl (2009), Pesticide externalities from the US agricultural sector - The impact of internalization, reduced pesticide application rates, and climate change, FNU-177, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Osmani, D. (2009), A note on optimal transfer schemes, stable coalition for environmental protection and joint welfare maximization assumption, FNU-176, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Anthoff, D. R.J. Nicholls and R.S.J. Tol (2009), The Economic Impact of Substantial Sea Level Rise, FNU-175, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Leahy, E., S. Lyons, E.L.W. Morgenroth and R.S.J. Tol (2009), The Spatial Incidence of a Carbon Tax in Ireland, FNU-174, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Koleva, N.G. and U.A. Schneider (2009), The impact of climate change on aquatic risk from agricultural pesticides in the US, FNU-173, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Osmani, D. (2009), Burden Sharing Emissions and Climate Change: A Theoretic Welfare Approach, FNU-172 Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Koleva, N.G., U.A. Schneider, and R.S.J. Tol (2009), The impact of weather variability and climate change on pesticide applications in the US - An empirical investigation, FNU-171, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Calzadilla, A., T. Zhu, K. Rehdanz, R.S.J. Tol and C. Ringler (2009), Economy-Wide Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa, FNU-170, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg.
Other Publications
Avakumović, Vito, Victor Brovkin, and Hermann Held. What are the Maximally Possible Deviations from the Carbon Budget Approach?. No. EGU22-4748. Copernicus Meetings, 2022.
H. Held (2022), Die Lösung des Klimaproblems als Fallbeispiel einer Nachhaltigkeitstransformation in C. Michaelis, F. Berding, Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – Umsetzungsbarrieren und interdisziplinäre Forschungsfragen, 39, Wirtschaft – Beruf – Ethik, 19-34, wbv Media GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld, ISBN (Print): 978-3-7639-7009-4, ISBN (E-Book): 978-3-7639-7043-8,
H. Held, S. C. Aykut, C. Hedemann, C. Li, J. Marotzke, J. Petzold, U. A. Schneider (2021), Plausibility of model-based emissions scenarios. in Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook: Assessing the plausibility of deep decarbonization by 2050 (p. 21-28),
H. Held, A. Engels, J. Marotzke, D. Stammer (2021), Implications for climate futures. In Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook: Assessing the plausibility of deep decarbonization by 2050 (p. 63-64),
Link, P. M., Böhner, J., Held, H., Scheffran, J. (2018). Energy Landscapes: Modeling of renewable energy resources with an emphasis on Northern Germany, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, , accepted for publication
Stein, L., Mohammadi Khabbazan, M., Held, H., Replacing temperature targets by subsidiary targets: How accurate are they? – Overshooting vs. economic losses, accepted WCERE2018 article (rate of rejection: ~50%; 2018).
Böhner, J., Dose, A., Held, H., & Scheffran, J. (Eds.). (2017). Energielandschaften Norddeutschland: Konferenz 2016 - Energiewende im Raum. Hamburg: Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit (CEN); Cluster für erneuerbare Energien.
Held, H. (2017). Die Kosten des 2°-Ziels und seine klimapolitischen Herausforderungen, in: Ulrich Blum, Economic Governance und Ordonomik, SPEEG (Series in Political Economy and Economic Governance) 10, 177-188 (2017).
Held, H. (2017). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Wissenschaftsverständnisses in der Klimaökonomik, in: U. Lüke, G. Souvignier (Eds.): Wie objektiv ist Wissenschaft?, WBG, Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-534-74322-3, 179-198 (2017).
Held, H. (2016). Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit in komplexen Systemen in: Klimawandel in Deutschland – Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven, Editors: Guy P. Brasseur, Daniela Jacob, Susanne Schuck-Zöller, 305-311, ISBN: 978-3-662-50396-6 (Print) 978-3-662-50397-3 (Online), SpringerOpen, .
Held, H. (2016). The 2°C climate policy goal: Chances & Challenges, in: Hardo Bruhns, Energie: Forschung und Perspektiven, Proceedings of the DPG (German Physical Society) Annual Spring Meeting 2016, Regensburg, 35-51, Arbeitskreis Energie / DPG).
Jantke K., Lottermoser F., Reinhardt J., Rothe D. and Stöver J. (2016). Shoppen gehen im Anthropozän. Nachhaltiger Konsum als institutionelle Herausforderung, in: Nachhaltiger Konsum - Institutionen, Instrumente, Initiativen, edited by K. Jantke, F. Lottermoser, J. Reinhardt, D. Rothe and J. Stöver. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 9-45.
Jantke K., Lottermoser F., Reinhardt J., Rothe D. and Stöver J. (2016). Nachhaltiger Konsum - Institutionen, Instrumente, Initiativen, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 472 p., ISBN 978-3-8487-3222-7.
Kunreuther, H., Gupta, S., Bosetti, V., Cooke, R., Dutt, V., Ha-Duong, M., Held, H., Llanes-Regueiro, J., Patt, A., Shittu, E. , Weber, E. (2014). Integrated Risk and Uncertainty Assessment of Climate Change Response Policies, IPCC AR5, WGIII, Chapter 2.
Held, H. (2015). Climate targets and cost effective climate stabilization pathways, in: L. Cifarelli, F. Wagner (Eds.): New Energy: Basic Concepts and Forefront Ideas, Lecture Notes Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy, Course 2, 17-23 July 2014, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Lake Como, European Physical Society, Società Italiana di Fisica, ISSN 2282-4928, ISBN 978-88-7438-094-7, 305-322.
Held, H., T. Schramme, A. Bassen, J. Frost, A. Horstmann, (2013), in dialogue with Team 1 of „Kompetenzzentrums Nachhaltige Universität“, Positionspapier des Kompetenzzentrums Nachhaltige Universität – Ideen zur Ausgestaltung der Universität Hamburg als Universität für eine nachhaltige Zukunft,
Held, H., (2013). Wandel und Bestand – Spielräume und Grenzen, in „Letzte Ausfahrt: Wandel?“, Dokumentation Hamburger Gespräche für Naturschutz der Michael Otto Stiftung, Hamburg, 10-15.
Held, H., (2013). Natürliche Ressourcen. Bedrohung der Ökologie, intra- und intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit am Beispiel des anthropogen getriebenen Klimawandels, in M. Heimbach-Steins (Ed.): Ressourcen, Lebensqualität, Sinn – Gerechtigkeit für die Zukunft denken, Gesellschaft – Ethik – Religion, ISBN 978-3-506-77684-6, Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich, Schriften des Instituts für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften 1, 67-72.
Held, H., U. Schneider, (2013). Das können wir uns leisten, Interview-Artikel in Klima im Fokus, Ein Magazin des Hamburger Exzellenzclusters „Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction“ (CliSAP), 15-19.
Held, H., (2013), Climate policy options and the transformation of the energy system in L. Cifarelli, F. Wagner, D. S. Wiersma (Eds.): New Strategies for Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage, Lecture Notes Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy, Course 1, 30 July - 4August 2012, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Lake Como, European Physical Society, Società Italiana di Fisica, ISSN 2282-4928, ISBN 978-88-7438-079-4, 13-28.
Held, H., (2012). Anthropogener Klimawandel als Herausforderung und Chance von biblischer Dimension, in D. v. Quistorp (Ed.): Kirche schützt Klima – Beiträge zur Bewahrung der Schöpfung und Förderung eines umweltfreundlichen Lebensstils, Evangelische Gemeinde Akademie Blankenese, fenestra-verlag, 29-4.
Held, H., (2011). Dealing with Uncertainty – From Climate Research to Integrated Assessment of Policy Options in Climate Change and Policy, in: The Calculability of Climate Change and the Challenge of Uncertainty, Gramelsberger, Gabriele; Feichter, Johann (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-642-17699-9, 113-126.
Held, H. (2011). Enabling systemic climate innovation, Public Service Review: European Science & Technology; 11, 254-25.
Bruckner, T., Edenhofer, O., Held, H., Haller, M., Lüken, M., Bauer, N. (2010). Robust Options to Combat Climate Change, in: Global Sustainability – A Nobel Cause, Schellnhuber, H. J., M. Molina, N. Stern, V. Huber and S. Kadner (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, USA, ISBN-13:9780521769341, 189-204.
Mastrandrea, M.D., Field, C.B., Stocker, T.F., Edenhofer, O., Ebi, K.L. , Frame, D.J., Held, H., Kriegler, E., Mach, K.J., Matschoss, P.R., Plattner, G.-K., Yohe, G.W., Zwiers, F.W. (2010). Guidance Note for Lead Authors of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). .
Rehdanz, K., Tol, R.S.J. (2007), Müssen wir jetzt handeln, um der drohenden Klimakatastrophe noch zu entgehen?, enercity Report 2006, Stadtwerke Hannover, p. 93.
Sesabo, J. (2007), Marine Resource Conservation and Poverty Reduction Strategies in Tanzania, Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, Volume 8, ISBN: 978-3-540-69941-5.
Aerts,J.C.J.H., Berkhout, F.G.H., Biermann, F.H.B., Bouwer, L.M., Bruggink, J.J.C.,Gerlagh, R., Gupta, J., Hisschemoller, M., Kuik, O.J., Tol, R.S.J., &Verhagen, J. (2005). Post-2012 Climate Policy: Assessing the options.Institute for Environmental Studies, Amsterdam.
Bigano, A., A. Goria, J.M.Hamilton and R.S.J. Tol (2005), ‘The Effect of Climate Change and Extreme Weatheron Tourism’, in A. Lanza, A. Markandya and F. Pigliaru (eds.), The Economics of Tourism and Sustainable Development, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Erdil, E. and I.H. Yetkiner (2005), ‘A Panel Data Approach for Income-Health Causality’, in J.N. Yfantopoulos (ed.) The Economics ofHealth Reforms.
Hamilton, J.M. and M.A. Lau,(2005) The Role of Climate Information in Tourist Destination ChoiceDecision-Making. In Gössling, S. and C.M. Hall (eds.), Tourism and Global Environmental Change. London: Routledge.
Hamilton, J.M. and M.A. Lau,(2005) The Role of Climate Information in Tourist Destination ChoiceDecision-Making. In Deutscher Wetterdienst (ed.), Annalen der Meteorologie 41: 17th International Congress ofBiometeorology ICB 2005 (vol. 2). Offenbach am Main:DWD.
Rehdanz, K. and D. Maddison (2005), ‚DerWert des Klimas für Haushalte in Deutschland’, in G. Grözinger and W. Matiaske(eds.), Deutschland regional. Sozialwissenschaftliche Daten imForschungsverbund, 211-225.
Schwoon, M. (2005), Simulating The Adoption of Fuel Cell Vehicles,in: Schultz, M.G. (ed.), Proceedings of the first HyCARE meeting, Hamburg, 16-17 December 2004, published as report No. 5 of the series Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung - Reports on Earth System Science, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Hamburg, Germany, January 2005 ISSN 1614-1199, pp 56-57.
Tol, R.S.J. (2005), ‘Comment on‘‘Valuing or Pricing Natural and Environmental Resources’’ by Yaoqi Zhang andYiqing Li, Environmental Science and Policy, 8, 189–190’, Environmental Scienceand Policy, 8, 187-188.
Tol, R.S.J. (2005), ‘ClimateChange Economics: Why International Accords Fail’ (a review), Environmental Conservation, 31 (4), 358.
Tol, R.S.J. (2005), ‘The Marginal Damage Costs of Carbon-dioxide Emissions’ in D. Helm (ed.) Climate-change Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Lau, M. (2004), ‘Küstenzonenmanagementin der Volksrepublik China und Anpassungsstrategien an denMeeresspiegelanstieg’, Coastline Reports, Issue 1, pp.213-224.
Hamilton, J.M., D.J. Maddison and R.S.J. Tol (2004) Climate and thedestination choice of tourists: a segmentation approach. In Matzarakis, A., de Freitas, C.R.,Scott, D. (eds.), 2004. Advances in Tourism Climatology. Berichte des Meteorologischen Institutes der Universität Freiburg, Nr. 12.
Rehdanz, K. and Hamilton, J. (2004) Valuing the Impacts of Climate Change, in Lange, M.A. and Poszig, D. (Eds.)IRISEN-II Integrated Regional Impact Studies in the European North: BasicIssues, Methodologies and Regional Climate Modelling - II, Proceedings of an Advanced Study Course at Abisko, Sweden, from July 20 to August 3, 2002, pp.353-366.
Tol, R.S.J. (2004), ‘Dynamic World:Land-Cover and Land-Use Change’ (a review), Environmental Science and Policy, 7 (1), 77. Tol, R.S.J. (2004), ‘Sharing the Planet– Population, Consumption, Species – Science and Ethics for a Sustainable and Equitable World’ (a review), Environmental Science and Policy, 7,548-549.
Tol, R.S.J. (2004), ‘Externe Kosten desKlimawandels’, in H.-J. Ziesing (ed.) Externe Kosten in der Stromerzeugung,VWEW Energieverlag, Frankfurt am Main. Tol, R.S.J. and J.P. Weyant (2004),‘Editorial’, Energy Economics, 26 (1), v-vi. Zhou , Y. (2004), Water resources, climate change and uncertainty, Young Water Research Journal, 1 (December), 33-40.
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Dr. Hyung Sik Choi, A stochastic model for options and strategies for the Spanish agricultural sector under climate change, Department of Geosciences (2014) pdf
Dr. Delf Neubersch, Value of Information under Climate Targets: an Application of Cost-Risk Analysis, Department of Geosciences (2014) pdf
Dr. Janosch Ondraczek, Harnessing the sun: The economics of solar photovoltaic electricity in East Africa, Department of Economics (2014) pdf
Dr. Korbinian Freier, Modelling alternative land use regimes in semi-arid Morocco Assessment of perspectives in a changing environment, Department of Geosciences (2011) pdf
Dr. Timm Sauer, Irrigation and global change - new applications for integrated global land use modeling, Department of Geosciences (2011) pdf
Dr. Alvaro Calzadilla, Water, agriculture and climate change - A computable general equilibrium analysis, Department of Economics (2011) pdf
Dr. Kerstin Jantke, Systematic conservation planning in Europe - the case of wetland biodiversity, Department of Geosciences (2011) pdf
Dr. Nikolinka G. Koleva, Climate Change and Pesticide Use: An integrated economic analysis, Department of Economics (2010) pdf
Dr. David Anthoff, Equity and Climate Change, Department of Economics (2009) pdf
Dr. Dritan Osmani, Opens external link in new windowStability and Burden Sharing Emissions in International Environmental Agreements - A Game-Theoretic Approach, Department of Economics (2009) pdf
Dr. Christine Schleupner, GIS as integrating tool in Sustainability and Global Change, Department of Geosciences (2008) pdf
Dr. Maren A. Lau, Decision-making in relation to climate and climate change in the People's Republic of China: from adaptation to sea-level rise to destination choice in Chinese tourism, Department of Economics (2006) pdf
Dr. P. Michael Link, Modeling the economic impacts of changes in thermohaline circulation with an emphasis on the Barents Sea fisheries, Department of GeoSciences (2006) pdf
Dr. Malte Schwoon, Managing the transition to hydrogen and fuel cells vehicles: insights from agent-based and evolutionary models, Department of Economics (2006) pdf
Dr. Christine Röckmann, Sustainable Management of the Eastern Baltic Cod Fishery, Department of Geosciences (2006) pdf
Dr. Kerstin E. Ronneberger, The Global Agricultural Land-use Model KLUM – A Coupling Tool for Integrated Assessment, Department of GeoSciences (2006) pdf
Dr. Jennifer K. Sesabo, Marine Resources Conservation and Poverty Reduction Strategies in Tanzania, Department of Economics (2006) (link)
Dr. Jacqueline M. Hamilton, Tourism, Climate Change and the Coastal Zone, Department of Economics (2005) pdf
Dr. Zhou Yuan, Economic Analysis of Selected Environmental Issues in China, Department of Economics (2005) pdf
Dr. Marianne Zandersen, Valuing Forest Recreation in Europe: Time and Spatial Considerations, Department of Economics (2005) pdf
Dr. Armi Susandi, The Impact of International Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction on Indonesia, Department of GeoSciences (2004) pdf
Dr. Katrin Rehdanz, Economic Aspects of Climate Change, Department of Economics (2004) pdf
Caballero Espejo, Maria Esther, Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Future Precipitation Impact in Peru During Coastal-El Nino Events SICCS, (2019).
Markkanen, Johanna, Comparison of Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Energy Balances and Sustainability Indicators of Crop- and Waste-based Biogas Production, SICCS, (2018)
Barbara Hof, Approaching Knightian Uncertainty in Cost-Benefit Analysis in Climate Economics: From Cost-Risk to Cost-Benefit Analysis, SICCS, (2017)
Felix Schreyer, Decision Under Climate Uncertainty: Learning in Target-Based Approaches, SICSS (2017)
Lukas Stein, Investigating and Comparing Differently Framed Climate Targets, SICSS (2016)
Jana Mintenig, The Role of Bioenergy and Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) in the Case of Delayed Climate Policy Evaluated by Cost-Risk Analysis, Department of Economics (2016)
Philipp Sommer, Bioenergy and Irrigation in an integrated Climate Model Analysis, SICSS (2015)
Tania Wang, Impact of the internalization of the health consequences related to red meat consumption on the agricultural sector in the United States, cooperation with Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (2015)
Robert Roth, Evaluating Delayed Climate Policy by Cost-Risk Analysis, Department of Economics (2014)
Patrick Pieper, Investigation of Spatial Sensitivities in an Integrated Assessment of Stratospheric Sulfur Aerosol Solar Radiation Management respecting Regional Precipitation Guardrails, SICSS (2014)
Marius Stankoweit, Contributions to an Integrated Assessment of Solar Radiation Management with MIND, SICSS (2013)
Benjamin Blanz, Investment under Uncertainty: Prospects for reducing complexity in the coupled energy-economy-climate model environment (Re)MIND” Department of Economics (2013)
Antje Schütz, Decisive factors for companies on the amount of implementation of a climate policy, SICSS (2012)
Ruth Sos, Erstellung eines open-source Werkzeugs auf Basis von gvSIG und Java zur Modellierung und Visualisierung der Verschmutzung von Fließgewässern am Beispiel Brasilien, cooperation with Hafencity University Hamburg (2012)
Christian Llull, Impacts of Biofuels Development on Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa -Modeling Income Effects in a Partial Equilibrium Model, cooperation with Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (2008)
Torsten Krüger, Produktions-, Energie- und Emissionsintensitäten in der globalen Landwirtschaft, Department of Economics (2007)
Niels Kruse, Ecotourism and Development, Department of Economics (2005)
Ina Hubry, Die Landwirtschaft im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie – eine modellgestützte Analyse der EU-Agrarpolitik, Department of Economics (2004)
Heike Edam, Patent-Schutz für die Biodiversität? Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Aspekte der Zuweisung globaler Verfügungsrechte an pflanzengenetischen Ressourcen, Department of Economics (2004)
Niels Frank, Strategic Allocation of Tradable Emission Permits in the Electricity Market, Department of Economics (2004)
Hajo Wenzlawski, The Global CSP Market – Its Industry, Structure and Decision Mechanisms, Department of Economics (2003)
Malte Schwoon, Optimal CO2 Abatement with Socio-economic Inertia and Endogenous Technological Change, Department of Economics (2003)